Janey Kyun Aaj


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Why Today

Today, why it seems you belong to me

I have seen you so many times earlier too


Had you not been, the miracles of Nature I wouldn’t have seen

By feeling you I was blessed with fame and elegance


On the instigation of the Moon, all questions those arose

Became a kiss and wrote an answer on my lips


Today, why it seems you belong to me

I have seen you so many times earlier too

Janey Kyun Aaj by Sandeep Silas ‘deep’ in Saada Khayal (2009)

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Tere Aane Se



By Your Coming

I am awakened again, by your coming

Stay a while, alone, I am so incomplete


Let me sit with your tresses covering me

Let me think that my life is because of you


Wish God had come down from His heaven to earth

He too would have been your mad lover, and roamed like me


I had fallen asleep in this world, O Lord

Why did you give me life again my God?

Tere Aane Se by Sandeep Silas ‘deep’ in Saada Khayal (2009)


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I go on finding excuses to laugh in life

What if, when I have a habit to stay happy


I go on calling out your name like a madman

What can I do if you cannot hear me call


Each lane knows of my love for you

What can I do, if your heart is like stone


I raise my hands in prayer everyday

If God becomes sullen, what can I do


Bahaane by Sandeep Silas ‘deep’ in Saada Khayal (209)

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